The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: curiosity

Concern and influence

In life, there are many areas we will be concerned about. Not all of them

Making sense

The most common way we are taught to make sense of observation is by taking

Adding control mechanisms

When leading teams a natural ambition is the achieve the planned results. The success of

Letting it in

Predictability is rare these days. It’s clear that tomorrow will come. What’s not clear, is

Words to avoid

In their effort to belong, people will seek to have a behavior that corresponds to

This or that

The word “or” indicates the possibility to choose. Take for example the invitation to choose

What’s missing

Today has been another day with a sequence of online meetings following one another. Such

We can’t see it

Day in, day out, new habits are establishing themselves. Habits we didn’t plan for, some

Adding more light

As it is difficult to see without light we’ll be adding light when there isn’t