The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: complexity

Outsourcing answers

Outsourcing answers seems to be a consequence of associating leadership with having answers and allowing

You can create it

There is this task you’ve done so many times. You’ve trained yourself to do it

Complexity of building awareness

Investigating into procrastination is an adventure into complexity of the human rationality. A recent New

The purpose of talking

Exchanging with one another serves as many purposes as there are humans on this planet.

Using time

A few days ago some altMBA friends and I were discussing how to create better

Being in charge

One of the stunning concepts around is “being in charge”. It implies the freedom to

Shifting perspectives

When dealing with a group of individuals, one of the challenging tasks is to know

Be yourself

A concept I find confusing is the invitation to be myself. Sure, I cannot be

Setting limits

There are quite a few things we do without being fully aware that they are