The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: choice

For a yes or a no

Preferences is a natural way to determine differences between people. The filter we’ll use to

Learn from the other

People are different. There is no news in the fact that differences go way beyond

Tension for modern marketers

Traditional marketers have seen their role as one to persuade others. The idea was, that

Using the crystal ball

There is ongoing confusion linked to teaching and authority. Traditional education established the idea that

Fading away

As time passes memories are transformed. The bad ones slowly disappear, the good ones are

Where to

When you work with an individual, meet her where she is. When you work with

Attached to being right

What happens if you aren’t right? Sure, it depends on the situation. But really? You

Tools lack intention

A few days ago a friend asked me if I could explain the purpose of

Fears, Needs, and Motivation

One of the aspects making self-awareness a challenge are habits. Habits include things we are

Dealing with accountability

“What are the measures when they fail?” is one of the most frequent questions when

What’s accountability?

When accepting a role, it comes with expectations and responsibilities. The work you do is