The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: change

Meet them where they are?

The invitation to meet others where they are is an important one. Without this approach,

Dealing with accountability

“What are the measures when they fail?” is one of the most frequent questions when

Double door

Change is constantly present. There are the changes which happen over centuries, as for example,

Managing change

Managing change means two things at the same time. It’s the acceptance, that the situation

Easy comments

Politicians claim their ambitions. Social media users seek to establish a movement. Elections are held.

Do you want it?

It’s a simple question: “Do you want it?” The answer usually isn’t complicated either. It

It takes three days

A friend was sharing that he had been walking a lot these last days. For

Dealing with ideas

Ideas come and go. At least that’s what they seem to do. Some of them

A frustrating word

Some sentences are a story in themselves. A sentence like “make it great again” tells