The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: care

Protection or defense?

The acts of protecting or defending oneself are quite similar. They both intend to help

Frustration is necessary

Change is a constant. Now is always different from before. Sometimes it’s a subtle difference.

Letting go

A lot of us have been trained to hold on to what is important to


The person who asks you for a solution isn’t bothered with understanding the problem, they

You, us and I

When building a relationship the question often is on whom to focus. Some will focus


When starting a project there is one thing we don’t know. It’s how it will

Preferring the problem

Do you know this person who will always remind you of the problem you have

Güde headquarters and factory

Reality can be surprising

Knives belong to the products I appreciate. I’ll usually go to further length to find

Adapting the law

It’s been years that I’ve been hearing complaints that a lot of areas aren’t served

The limits of independence

Independence is often named as a state to be attained. While I will agree that