The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: attention

Caring for others

Recently I attended a meeting where quite a few of the participants know and use

It’s changed!

Logging on to my computer has become a new type of experience. When I started

Organizing distance and scope

As connecting with others becomes easier, the world seems to become smaller. Our individual worlds,

Holding Tension

Tension is something we experience continuously. It comes in all colors and flavors. It can

Leading and helping

As we take up leadership roles, in fact, any type of role, we will define

You can create it

There is this task you’ve done so many times. You’ve trained yourself to do it

Collecting stamps

Starting in the late nineteenth-century philately was one of the most popular hobbies. Collecting stamps

The purpose of talking

Exchanging with one another serves as many purposes as there are humans on this planet.