Posts about relationship

Independently from one’s definition of coaching, an interesting question relates to the presence of teaching …

Change happens by itself. Implementing change is different. It requires knowing what change one seeks …

An important part of the execution is the preparation. It’s gathering the information available; it’s …

As a child sport was somehow limited to playing, some swimming, and maybe one or …

A detail that is often forgotten is that judgment can be represented through praise as …

Most of the people I know have an inner critic. It is a constant partner …

Clients sometimes come up with an idea of what they are not. For some, when …

“Sailors have an expression about the weather: they say, the weather is a great bluffer. …

A theme that reappears regularly in my practice is the client’s desire to pinpoint responsibility. …

It’s true for many of the activities people take up and can be present to. …

Culture, leadership, and attitude in general say a lot about what you are paying people …

Last year, any time I played golf in my club, an old man was sitting …