The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Reaching goals

Something that clients will regularly share is how reaching their goal doesn’t provide them with the expected result.

There are multiple reasons for this. But there is one that is valid for any goal.

A goal is something we aspire to in the moment. It is imagined with whatever is known of it and ourselves. As it is imagined, the goal represents an event in the future.

We can’t know if we’ll still want it when that moment in the future appears. We can’t know how reaching that goal will actually feel one’s it is there. We’ve rarely imagined how having reached that goal will feel like, assuming that it will be the same as reaching the objective. And we naturally also don’t know if our imagination of that goal was complete and will correspond to the reality of the goal as it is reached.

We can imagine but will never be able to predict exactly what an event in the future will feel like.

We can’t know if the goal we move toward will be a goal we wanted to reach.

The journey might tell us.

The journey might become what we had wanted to reach.

And it might be that we’ve been wrong all along.

Under these circumstances, perceiving such being wrong as a failure is a choice we’ve made long ago. It is a choice based on our attachment to our hope. A choice that doesn’t reflect our ability to stay with our experience.



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