The ability to measure something often creates a sense of scientific validity. It makes it easy to compare and gives the impression that things can be compared.
But once performance isn’t only measured but has become what one measures oneself with things become awkward. Suddenly there is no end to the effort anymore. There is always more to be achieved. There almost always is someone doing better and someone to get ahead of.
There never is an end. That is an end that would be satisfying. One that doesn’t depend on others. One that can last.
It becomes a race.
A race that keeps us busy.
The only accessible end is failing to raise performance further.
And that’s the trap.
Doing the difficult work implies defining an end. It means deciding for oneself why one chooses to pursue a specific performance and allowing oneself to know what it will allow one to be.
It’s difficult because it requires letting go of external validation, deciding on one’s status, and accepting that others may not agree – even those one admires, even those whose decisions may impact us.