The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Nobody can do it for you

There are five important things one needs to experience for oneself in golf. These are a sense of where the club face is all along the swing, a sense of the swing path, what solid contact is, one’s alignment with the target, as well as letting go and freedom.

A way to define awareness can thus be our ability to physically experience these.

Beyond experiencing these five elements there is something else one needs to integrate into one’s game. One can call it a meta-awareness. It serves as an umbrella over all other awareness. It enables us to distinguish between being in our head and being present.

Awareness teaches us to be present. Being present allows us to develop our awareness.

What applies to golf applies everywhere else too. The only details that differ are the core experiences one needs to learn to experience for oneself.

However, developing meta-awareness is the same everywhere. It starts with our willingness to perceive the stories we tell ourselves. These stories lead to being in our heads. And nobody but you can know what these stories are. But everybody will help you by sharing the stories they tell themselves. As differences appear, change becomes possible.



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