The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Keep pursuing your dreams

This isn’t an invitation to make your dream happen. That is to be focused on an idea and objective you’ve made your goal.

Pursuing your dreams can be something different.

Every day, ideas pop into your mind. They are ideas that in the moment feel relevant, something you aspire to. Some of them disappear quickly. Others are of a different kind; they are the ones that reappear. They might reappear in different formats or constantly bring one idea back. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the sense of importance that comes with these dreams.

When the opportunity for one of these becomes available, there rarely is something more important to do than to grab this opportunity and to be present to it.

What makes these moments so relevant is the ability to be present in them.

Anything one can be present to becomes an experience that shapes our journey.

And sometimes, it is a reminder that dreams come true.



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