Sometimes I’ll just take for granted that what someone else is saying is their truth.
And sometimes, I won’t agree or have a slightly different perspective.
The question then becomes whether I’ll react to it or not. There are so many situations in which multiple truths are possible. Seen from a different angle, having a different context, and trying to invite others to act are some of the reasons why different truths may appear.
Knowing how I sometimes share ideas or see my thoughts develop and become blog posts, I also know how the ideas I share may not be complete. There is too much to consider to be able to describe an idea from all the perspectives I might be able to develop.
And then, there is also an old habit. I grew up getting used to find my ideas regularly corrected. It seemed normal that someone would highlight details they found questionable.
It seems that it made me creative. I’ll easily find a way to fall back on my feet, and see another connection allowing me to move on to the next idea. It has become a way to spontaneously come up with associations and play with the possibilities.
It probably also taught me to quickly jump at other ideas and find it easy to look for ways to challenge them, just as I’ve been used to.
Simple habits. And yet, they are based on a bias and assumption that it is normal to challenge ideas instead of becoming curious about them and how they are meant.
It takes some effort to know. More than simply assuming.
Questions are the way.