Posts about context

The upcoming elections in the US have started to focus a lot of the available …

To be able to solve a problem an individual needs to determine what aspects of …

One can remember all the things that didn’t work. Or one can remember how one …

The team had come together to determine the strategy they would follow. Led by a …

Communication is a skill many want to excel at. The implicit hope is that their …

Leaders can find themselves confronted with frustration. Their own as well as the one expressed …

A while ago a friend stayed for a few days allowing us to explore the …

It’s easy to have an interpretation of the situation or other people’s behavior. Most often …

A well-known metaphor is the idea that the blue sky is always there. Clouds might …

They allow to learn something from the other. They allow to share something with the …

Many people find themselves building their success on the expectations others seem to have. Expectations …

One may assume that everything is relevant, and it’s true. But not always. It is …