Posts about context

It sounds simple, and yet, it is quite complicated. To use data, one needs data. …

It’s an interesting idea. Lies cannot exist without the truth. The person telling a lie …

There is a huge amount of change nobody is paying attention to. We are way …

In the past, I’ve heard people look down on intentions. But looking back, I think …

Years ago, Google decided to study its working force to determine what success is made …

“There are three musts that hold us back: I must do well. You must treat …

When doing a presentation one can stick to one’s habits with the desire to be …

If someone shares how wonderful their day was it doesn’t say anything about how you …

When someone joins a team, it is quite normal that at least one person in …

A simple distinction. It’s either good or bad. And yet, possibly also the worst distinction. …

When there is a demand for something one can expect that there will be someone …

When driving change an idea is to push change through initiatives. The hope is that …