The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Category: Relationship

When minds connect

There are so many facets to the post Seth shared today. One is, almost ironical,

Content over form

A simple way to lead conversations into a dead end is by focusing on the

Boundaries of identification

People have many ways to identify. We’ve been used for decades to identify people via

Change creates tension

One of the fundamental needs and desires is to belong. It’s how most of us


A sign for a good interface is, that it can be easily understood. It is

Tension and attraction

Not too long ago, a group of us were discussing with one another. One of


The person who asks you for a solution isn’t bothered with understanding the problem, they

You, us and I

When building a relationship the question often is on whom to focus. Some will focus

A story of growth

On the day people started to trade and separate tasks they invented the idea that