Sometimes, we will find ourselves stuck. As much as we try to understand something, find an answer, or decide, we continuously reach a dead end.
It is one of these situations where one needs to let the thinking go, see if a good night’s sleep helps, or find someone to talk about it. Coaches may serve too.
One of the major reasons why this happens is the mental models we use. Our thinking uses it in our effort to find an answer. It is like a blueprint of how to think in a specific situation.
Finding another approach would require us to question the way we think. That’s difficult if not, at least in some situations, impossible.
As it is our blueprint, there is a chance that it is unique to us. It may also be that our thinking is temporarily glued to the blueprint, which can happen when we are tired, stressed, or anxious.
This brings us back to how rest and others may be the better solution than pushing on and adding more effort.