The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Beliefs can serve us

And that beliefs serve us may be a belief too.

Which could undo the idea that beliefs serve us.

Beliefs have been with us since the beginning of time. Considering how evolution has worked until now, there must be a use for beliefs. They must be serving us in some way.

However, there are many times when beliefs have not been helping us or led to unexpected consequences. What were they helping us do then? Answering that question often is difficult. When it is, people find themselves being pulled back from answering it and pushed into judging or defending their behavior. It can be seen as an emotional reaction to the possibility that what they perceived as the truth could instead have been a belief.

But this gives us an idea of how beliefs serve us. They allow us to hold something as the truth in mind. A truth that can be used to, for example, make choices or shape relationships.

Without beliefs, the unknown could not be addressed. And that is relevant for as simple a task as choosing the type of ice cream you want to eat by the look it has. The same is true when it comes to engaging employees or making an investment, for example.

Beliefs serve the human desire for certainty.

What is of disservice to us is when beliefs turn into truths. That is when there is no doubt left.




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