The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Awesome and exciting

Browsing my social media stream, I’ll notice posts on both extremes.

One extreme I’ll see regularly is people thanking their awesome clients, highlighting their exciting projects, and in essence, sharing a lot of positivity.

The other extreme is one where people will share what is difficult in the moment, the tough experience they have losing their energy, the dreadful situation they are in without resources, or the help others need desperately.

Yes, people experience these situations.

Yes, life provides for both extremes.

Whatever an individual’s experience; these are moments in time. Moments in time that are extraordinary to those living them. But people have decided to use social media to externalize such situations. Is it that everything else seems to be too boring to share on social media?

At the same time, these shares create the impression that what is being shared can be considered normal.

From my perspective, what makes these shares so intriguing is how something considered to be normal at the same time will be considered worthy of praise or needing help. However, when praise is given and help is suggested, I’ll find myself wondering how authentic praise and support can be when context and action are not known to the audience.

Somewhat funny is the aspect that much of the ado is there to transform the normal into the extraordinary that is worth posting about.



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