The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Amid options

The search for clarity is a process.

It develops around an objective or desire. And usually is hard work.

It has little to do with the idea that pops up under the shower or the insight that one gains when learning something new or finding an answer to something one had been thinking about.

If they are part of the process they will mainly be a starting point. One from which clarity can be worked out amidst the many options that will appear.

Clarity is about knowing what one does, why one does it, and for whom. And it’s the ability to describe it in such a way, that those for whom it is for understand what it is. It also means that what is being understood corresponds to what has been said.

But it’s not stable. It shifts as circumstances change or as the work is being done. Not totally, but enough that the need to realign will reappear regularly.

Clarity doesn’t remove the anxiety of the unknown, of having chosen the wrong option, or of possibly failing.

What clarity does, is support the courage to move forward and the ability to keep a perspective.


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