The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Month: October 2019

Change creates tension

One of the fundamental needs and desires is to belong. It’s how most of us


A sign for a good interface is, that it can be easily understood. It is

Be grateful

At lunch, a friend shared how her relationship at work had changed over the last

Tension and attraction

Not too long ago, a group of us were discussing with one another. One of

To be or to use

When we learn a method, we usually learn how to use it. What this helps

Learning the words

A key to learning is transmission. While it is a mutual act it isn’t always

Protection or defense?

The acts of protecting or defending oneself are quite similar. They both intend to help

Frustration is necessary

Change is a constant. Now is always different from before. Sometimes it’s a subtle difference.

Creating space

Today was the start of a 5-day workshop with Richard Erskine. Even though the group

Going deeper

A very human reaction is to search for shortcuts. It’s normal as our brain is