The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: relationship

The wonderful day

If someone shares how wonderful their day was it doesn’t say anything about how you

Useful, works, and right

There are many approaches to dealing with a situation. One can see a problem and

Desiring a solution

Sometimes people believe they know the solution and assume that asking for it solves their

Remembering the past

One can remember all the things that didn’t work. Or one can remember how one

Perfecting language

Communication is a skill many want to excel at. The implicit hope is that their

Establishing expectations

Many people find themselves building their success on the expectations others seem to have. Expectations

Doing nothing

If one thinks about it, doing nothing isn’t possible. Human beings constantly do something. And

The power of ideas

There are at least four ideas that shape today’s business world because of of the

Being of service

At the beginning of the last century, several well-known retailers coined sentences like “the customer

It’s them

Joe is a senior executive; he has been in and out of many companies. Exchanging