The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: relationship

Using power

Something I’ll observe quite often in teams is how unaware individuals are of the power

Trust and accountability

In any relationship, trust and accountability are partners. The ability to be accountable to the

Framing problems

Paul Watzlawick once showed how sometimes the way we frame the problem is part of

Reaching goals

Something that clients will regularly share is how reaching their goal doesn’t provide them with

How often?

Some statistics don’t need to be super exact. It’s sufficient to use a rule of

Forces leaders consider

Leaders seek to achieve results. And, leaders are confronted with groups of people having diverse

Avoiding uncertainty

There seems to be an ever-growing presence of uncertainty. It probably doesn’t matter if there

Without an objective

For a human being, it seems impossible to act without an objective. In the moment

Noticing thoughts

What is your relationship with your thoughts? Some people will assume that they are their

Zooming out

An interesting aspect of goals is how one goal can serve other goals. It can