The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: relationship

Comfort is not the point

When working together as a team there are many situations in which things would need

Changing the lens

There is process and there are results. The process is what gets us from one

I made this

One of the difficult steps in creating a product is to step up and share

It is very clear

When exchanging with others an assumption often is, that one is understood exactly as one

The right thing

There is quite a difference between the right thing, legally right, and believing that it’s

The obvious

As management theories evolved, a variety of hypes appeared. What worked in one system suddenly

Valley surrounded by mountains

Working together

Teams should work together, isn’t it? It’s the expectation leaders are confronted with, especially when

Life is in the transitions

Over Christmas, I’ve been reading Bruce Feiler’s latest book “Life is in the transitions”. A

The way we engage

When seeking to be polite, there is a high probability that it is a social

The power of denial

Denial has something of a dopamine shot. It immediately transforms reality and allows people to

They all do it

A friend was blogging about social selling. He was getting fed up with the way