The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: relationship

The most forgiving people

In one of her newsletters, Whitney Johnson described a key learning about parenting. It’s as

Sustainable happiness

The like here, the broad smile there, the short and lovely exchange with a friend.

The poet marketer

Some companies succeed in telling their story not only with words but also with images

Dealing with lack

Julian was struggling. I had asked him a question to which he had no answer.

The wish list

Planning one’s day can happen by listing all the tasks one has to attend to.

A working hypothesis

Every conversation involves interpretations. They serve as a working hypothesis allowing to perform the task

When deadlines lead

A few days ago Michael shared a story describing how changing the habitual deadline from

Choices we have

The desire to achieve a result can be what becomes the obstacle to achieving it.

You made me do

Leaders need followers. They can’t do their job without people who follow their indications or