The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: process

To or over

Power is a subject that is often avoided when it comes to hierarchy or relationships.

What you see …

Organizations have to deal with contradictory and opposing forces. If one person emphasizes the short

Listening to advice

“People are generally better persuaded by the reasons which they have themselves discovered than by

Joining the rat race

As organizations grow they frequently do so by simply adding new tasks as they appear.

Settling on objectives

One of the fascinating things in life is how many ways we have to describe

The poet marketer

Some companies succeed in telling their story not only with words but also with images

Getting to a story

“A critical task of science is to provide clear nomenclature – precise terms that sharpen

Dealing with lack

Julian was struggling. I had asked him a question to which he had no answer.

The wish list

Planning one’s day can happen by listing all the tasks one has to attend to.

Learning and practicing

There are many ways we can learn something. It makes it easy to call almost