The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: learning

On writing

Asked if he had any advice for budding writers James Baldwin once answered: “The only

Just like they are

“I’ve learned that the most basic fact in health care and health education is that

Leadership how to

During the last years, I’ve frequently encountered the quest to understand what makes a good

Peaks and Valleys

With “Peaks and Valleys” Spencer Johnson shared one of his great parables. One inviting to

Kindness to self

During a meeting, Tom, one of the participants was sharing how challenging it can be

Leadership and legacy

The way we see today’s decisions is rarely how we’ll see them tomorrow. Decisions always

Facts, Problems, and Fears

One of the biggest problems with facts is that they challenge preconceived ideas. Preconceived ideas

Lifelong Learning

Many of the things children learn happens intuitively and unconsciously. They go with the flow

Basic assumptions

In every culture, there are ideas no one questions. They are basic assumptions this group

From change to transition

These times are full of learning. There is no day like the other. That is

That’s right

Could you live with the idea that most questions have more than one answer? Would