The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: learning

Walking a new path

Most of us know how different real life will be, from whatever it was we

Getting to knowing

Observing is there to create knowing by taking up facts. People take in existing information

Admitting an error

As so often, he was quick in admitting an error. I asked him to pause

Who owns the meeting?

When setting up a meeting there are many questions one can ask oneself about the

Know it

One of the things school teaches us, is that knowing is a good thing. To

I wasn’t clear myself

As a leader, there are many occasions when one has to keep the momentum up

Developing vulnerability

When people come together there will always be many different ideas not only on what

The many things we learn

Learning has always been a strange thing to me. Going through school a lot of

A desire to make sense

When people don’t know, they seek to fill the gap. That is any time information

When the tension disappears

Tension is everywhere. Sometimes it’s something we don’t know but want to know. Sometimes it