The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: learning

Attached to the outcome

A possibility to deal with goals is to experience them as something one has to

The teaching lie

Back in the school days, learning most often was focused on taking information in and

Drifting back

During a rich team coaching session, the team decided to move forward and change their

Filling the gap

“The person who says he knows what he thinks but cannot express it usually does

Becoming a novice

When people start a new endeavor, they are novices to it. However, they will often

Making others dependent

The single most important thing to find independence is the ability to think for oneself.

It makes our life easier

That is or has been the promise for most of the information technology we are

Easy judgment

When people seek to make change happen, one of the things they will often plan

Wanting change

The desire for things to be different from what they are is probably limitless. And

Leading or protecting

When faced with someone’s uncertainty a common reaction is to reassure them. It starts with

Stepping into the journey

As participants embark on a learning journey, they find themselves confronted with many open questions.