The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: group dynamics

Decaying gate

Admiring the leader

Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, or Rosa Park have all found admiration at some

Being normal

Originally normal meant “made according to a carpenter’s square”. A later meaning was “according to


When leaders make decisions. When coaches intervene in a coaching conversation. When parents ask their

A working hypothesis

Every conversation involves interpretations. They serve as a working hypothesis allowing to perform the task

When deadlines lead

A few days ago Michael shared a story describing how changing the habitual deadline from

Pushing emotions

Reading a few articles related to the climate crisis and how to deal with it,

Give and take

Jim was struggling. On an impulse, he had shared a quote as a response to

The unknown known

In a recent article, Casey shared how the normal school dynamic may have an impact