The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: emotion

A gift from the past

As we aim to take a decision it helps to reduce complexity: A decision rarely

The impact of one

The internet gave us a voice we never had before. It’s a voice that caries

Straight talk

It can be most refreshing to have a discussion allowing to uncover the unsaid. It’s


When exchanging with others we will handle our communication depending on the relationship we have


During The Marketing Seminar, one of the question we work on is to find an

Reciprocity, a principle

It seems to make sense to connect principle with the idea of reciprocity when describing


Along the years, words can change their meaning and lose their original understanding. Generous is

What’s that emotion?

Lately, I’ve been digging quite a lot into emotions. There is so much to discover

Engage with the signal

Change is inevitable. It is the essence of life. Change is frightening. It is beyond

Sharing Emotions?

Right now, the situation is escalating in France. Violence is appearing and is part of