The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: connection

Within your control

In principle, there is only very little that is within our control. The ability to

Stop doing this

When asking people what they want, they’ll easily answer with the things they don’t want

Making others dependent

The single most important thing to find independence is the ability to think for oneself.

Staying in Control

One of the kindest words in English is “no”. It’s also, for many, one of

Talking about others

It often is a good idea to think about a given situation with others. They’ll

The work of resistance

Resistance has many colors, tastes, sources, and feelings. One could simply link it with fear;

The small increments

Not too long ago, I realized during a team coaching how ideas we had shared

Taking a position

When someone takes a position and decides to hold it others naturally react to it.

Lighting the path

Some hope for a better future, some see it. Some make it visible. Yet others,

The primary task

The easy take on a primary task of an organization is described through a triangle

All that we are

Gently, Gabriella Braun, describes how we are struggling with who we are and what it