The work of resistance
Resistance has many colors, tastes, sources, and feelings. One could simply link it with fear;
Resistance has many colors, tastes, sources, and feelings. One could simply link it with fear;
It’s already quite a while ago, that our group celebrated the end of our common
At first sight, it might sound absurd to say that there are no broken systems.
When people meet in a group, they will always assess how safe they feel in
Most of us know how different real life will be, from whatever it was we
For a few years, a group of us met to train together with a coach.
In his long career, James had learned to think about situations by searching for the
Observing is there to create knowing by taking up facts. People take in existing information
What is a conversation for? It depends. One way to determine what it is for
Jill had joined her new company a few months ago. In the preliminary conversations, they
The attention economy established the idea of quickly taking a stance for or against something.
Recently I had a conversation with a team member who was seeking my understanding of