The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: complexity

Making others dependent

The single most important thing to find independence is the ability to think for oneself.

Letting go root causes

When attending to linear thinking, people will search for a root cause of a problem.

Easy judgment

When people seek to make change happen, one of the things they will often plan

Clear communication

Clear communication is a rare occurrence. There are too many variables influencing our communication for

A sense of relief

One day Jay decided to leave the team. Until then, there had been a few

Let’s be positive

Choices come in pairs. Taking up one option means that others fall away. Emotions also

Shifting roles

Jane shared how frustrated she was, that the other team wasn’t taking up the work

Time by design

As a kid, I learned that being efficient meant constantly using the time available. There

The tragic position

When people use logic to investigate situations, they seek to reach a state of coherence.

See, say, sort

As a kid, I remember my mother sharing how she had once called the police