The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Does truth matter?

Yes, it does.

But, not to everyone.

Interestingly, truth matters to liars. It matters to them, as they seek ways to conceal it.

Truth also matters to those who focus on their own truth. Most of them search for ways to transform their vision into something the world believes in. Making it happen is leadership work.

Recognizing the people who are not interested in truth or falsehood is quite easy. They say whatever serves their purpose. They do so, without regard for reality.

This is when the problem isn’t to uncover truth or lies anymore!

The problem is to remain capable of having conversation allowing for serious thought and honest discourse. Those involved may lose their capacity to share when they don’t know something, to distinguish arguments from slogans, and to inquire instead of assuming that their knowledge is true.

The curiosity and honesty with oneself needed for meaningful dialogues find themselves at risk of being pushed aside by an atmosphere filled with a desire for power or profit. An atmosphere created by a lack of interest in the truth, by being careless with one’s own honesty, as well as by those allowing themselves a discourse that has no regard for reality and that they adapt to whatever serves their purpose.

It’s easy to assume that only those without regard for reality are at fault. But it’s not sufficient. To keep meaningful conversations alive, and to allow trust to persist, there is a need for people courageous enough to care for nuances, to care for the truth, to speak up despite the overwhelming amount of noise present, and who are willing to listen to cut through the noise.




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