The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Coming together

For me, it is always an enjoyable experience when people join forces to work together. Looking at recent experiences it can be a small group of only two people coming together to design a training. Or it can be a small group of people organizing an event around lunch.

Whatever it is, the opportunity to design something together with others always feels transformative. The output is bigger than what an individual could have done, and the conversations enriched individual thinking.

Thinking about these events, it becomes visible that they allow us to see why we come together as a group. The presence of communication and cooperation enabled mutual adjustment between us and encouraged us to come back to it and continue the process when needed. By coming together, we also allowed for direct supervision. We were able to make sure that our plans were aligned with our objective and had some feedback on how to do things. And last, but not least, it helped us work and attain a common result.

Adjustment with one another, supervision from leadership, and attaining a common result are simple and good reasons for groups to come together. But it also means that meetings need to help deliver on these three objectives.



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