The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Category: Power

Eat an elephant

Years ago, I attended a training called “How to eat an elephant.” I was a

Training the mind

It is not a question of choice whether to train the mind or not. The

Dealing with frustrations

When people know one another well, they become aware of behaviors the other has that

Risk and Luck

Asked if he would hire Elon Musk, the late Charlie Munger once said “I haven’t

A view on freedom

I sometimes hear clients talk about freedom. Most of them describe it as the ability

Little clarity

When a team feels at ease with one another and with their task, everyone in

Injustice and power

A task of leadership is to prevent injustice. However, this doesn’t mean that it can

The myth of consistency

Inquiring into consistency one may interpret it as the ability to always achieve the desired

Seeing benefits

Once a society gets used to its infrastructure it settles in and may not notice


In coaching sessions, a client may sometimes share a lack of self-confidence. When they do