The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Category: Power

Reaching consensus

It was one of these teams leading an association that saw their engagement as a

On having fun

“If you’re not having fun, you’re not learning. There’s a pleasure in finding things out.”

It makes sense

During a very insightful with a coaching colleague, he kindly took a moment to inquire

It’s hard

It’s supposed to be hard. But that’s not a reason to make it hard. It

Right and wrong

A standard technique to polarize a conversation is to assume that wrong is the opposite

Rules and Norms

Rules define how to play a game. A norm could then be described as the

The past and the future

When discussing the idea of being present to the here and now there is the

Choosing a position

It may be difficult to choose a position and stand by it. That’s because it

In Doubt

A detail I always find very confusing is how social media invites people even more

Right or Truth

From 2016 to 2022 Thomas Zurbuchen was the associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate