The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: trust

The problem mindset

Imagine asking the craftsman to come back and redo some of the work he did.

A variety of teams

The team had received a message inviting them to a weekly training session as a

The anxiety habit

In uncertain times it may seem normal to feel stressed and experience anxiety. There is

The promises we make

Claus had invited his mentee to share whatever they wanted with him. To help them

Creating stretch

There are always comfort zones. Experts experience them just as much as beginners. Asking professional

Getting the data

Anytime there is a relationship, there is also trust. Quite often, trust then becomes a

When a task makes proud

The lumberman was proud. He had just felled a probably 250 years old oak tree.


Finishing a WhatsApp message to a family member I smiled realizing the role I had

When there is hierarchy

Actually, there always is at least one hierarchy in any group. It’s in human nature

When a yes is important

That’s the very moment when a no is even more important. When there is no

Trust and consistency

Trust is an anxious partner. It takes its time to join you. And when it