The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: Transactional Analysis

Seeking Change

When leading others, it’s probable that you’ll encounter situations in which the other person doesn’t


Looking at a dictionary the word grandiosity links with the idea of “bombastic or inflated

Put them on a scale

There is something interesting about conflict and stress. For most people, it is difficult to

Fears, Needs, and Motivation

One of the aspects making self-awareness a challenge are habits. Habits include things we are

Hurry up

All of us have some standard rules with which we aim to connect with the

It’s getting hot

There is a path which starts with discomfort, passes by avoidance to finally reach drama.

Seeing others

A basic act of generosity is to “see the other”. It may seem to be

A worthwhile idea: autonomy

The Merriam-Webster defines autonomy as “the quality or state of being self-governing”. Wikipedia goes into