The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: strategy

Helping out or stepping in

When a team member needs help, the other team members have several options. In some

Fidelity and validity

Personality type models often find themselves under some scrutiny. And that’s a great thing. Naturally,

Seeking evidence

Is it, that the amount of information available creates the impression that we should be

Safety first

When new ideas appear the possible reactions range from curiosity to resistance. Curiosity is a

Being prepared

Life comes up with the strangest things. And right now there are many of those

Initiating change

For the last twenty years, I’ve been connected with JCI. When I joined the organization

Losing the storyteller

Over the years, the organization had shifted its activities. No one had noticed. The group

Taking responsibility

When something went wrong, who’s responsible? One could think that it’s the person who made

Becoming a commodity

There are two easy ways a product becomes a commodity. One is, by focusing on

Life throws stuff at you

There is no reason to catch it all. It helps to remain focused on something