The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: strategy

Becoming an activist

Recently a colleague shared with me how a vast number of young people engaging themselves

Wanting change

The desire for things to be different from what they are is probably limitless. And

Let’s be positive

Choices come in pairs. Taking up one option means that others fall away. Emotions also

Risky environments

When I had the opportunity to visit the Luxembourgish Air Rescue (LAR). René Closter, its

Using buzzwords

Not too long ago a colleague asked us for feedback, he had received the picture

Being present and serving

When I was training a train the trainer course the questions that would come up

Price and value

The difference between value and price is, that value cannot be measured with money. A

For and against

People constantly fight, they’ll rarely call it like that though. Instead of fighting, it receives

The solution shortcut

When a problem appears, the typical reaction is to try to solve it. The quest

The means to an end

Olaf is a dynamic leader, pushing things forward is important for him. In working with

Have a say

In the last decades, many have grown up in an environment in which hierarchy is