The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: responsibility

Reaching a goal

A short while ago I was participating in a golf competition. The course was extremely

Read receipt

When people learned about active listening, they learned that it helps to show how one

The discipline of freedom

Something I’ve been observing with myself as well as with others is the challenge of

Distractions are here to stay

The number of available distractions is simply incredible. There is the story one tells oneself.

Control and Accountability

In a recent blog post, Michael highlighted the difference between the leadership task of “lighting

The teaching lie

Back in the school days, learning most often was focused on taking information in and

Trying to be selfless

The very idea of being selfless involves an understanding of what it means to be

Some rewards may not make sense

For his birthday Arnold Schwarzenegger shared seven “unreasonable goals“. All of which are goals he’s

Filling the gap

“The person who says he knows what he thinks but cannot express it usually does

Nature and Happiness

One could assume that nature organizes things perfectly for human beings. And probably it does.