The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: responsibility

I deserve it

As true as it might be, receiving what we deserve still depends on others being

Brief and Debrief

The team was wondering about its effectiveness. They could see how much they had worked

The friendly group

Sometimes I meet teams that are focused on being friendly to one another. They will


Not too long ago I was coaching an impressive young man. He was very disciplined

Leadership and self-awareness

Resistance is a phenomenon that occurs frequently during coaching. For a coach, they are the

Leadership thinking

Everything people do is based on a decision. Not all of them are conscious. Decisions

Thoughts and emotions matter

When things matter, they are given importance. A simplistic way to give importance to things

Doing the work

When asking participants what their expectations are for the time spent together in a training,

Reflections on a journey

Along the way, leaders struggle. And some see their journey as an endless list of

It’s the situation

Over the years I’ve learned to work with different personality type models and found them

Generosity in the team

The team I was working with kept throwing flowers at one another. They were sharing

Be prepared

When I was leading presentation training, they included a sequence with spontaneous presentations. The idea