The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: responsibility

Injustice and power

A task of leadership is to prevent injustice. However, this doesn’t mean that it can

Progress and satisfaction

When teams work together to determine their next steps, they will find often themselves confronted

Seeing benefits

Once a society gets used to its infrastructure it settles in and may not notice


In coaching sessions, a client may sometimes share a lack of self-confidence. When they do

Other people’s dreams

When I look through my social media feed, I’ll find an overwhelming number of ideas

Exam or title

This weekend I attended a meeting of Transactional Analysts in Lille. More than 300 of

Man in the mirror

When things become uncomfortable, people look for change, that is for relief. The easiest relief

Driving or being driven

Leaders deal with change. They observe change as it is happening, and they decide on

The leader you look for

While reading about Bobby Knight’s leadership as a basketball coach I reflected on what leaders

Know what your job is

Recently a friend shared “Bryan Cranston’s Advice to Aspiring Actors” with me. The advice Cranston

When words resonate

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they

Creating frustration

Not too long ago, in a workshop, participants were discussing how to deal with employees