The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: relationship

Developing a strategy

One of the things that takes time to learn when one learns to play golf

Using data for awareness

It sounds simple, and yet, it is quite complicated. To use data, one needs data.

Building a castle

Kings build castles, dictators build palaces, and bishops have cathedrals. It’s a metaphor. To display

On Lies, Truth, and Bullshit

It’s an interesting idea. Lies cannot exist without the truth. The person telling a lie

The presence of change

There is a huge amount of change nobody is paying attention to. We are way

The essence of intention

In the past, I’ve heard people look down on intentions. But looking back, I think

The solving fantasy

A few days ago I was working with a client. I had seen patterns in

I’m not creative

Clients sometimes come up with an idea of what they are not. For some, when

The three musts in life

“There are three musts that hold us back: I must do well. You must treat

Moving towards abstraction

It often is very useful to describe things and situations in abstract terms. In working

Buying into the decision?

When a leader decides something, he will always be confronted with the possibility that others