The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: relationship

Thoughts and emotions matter

When things matter, they are given importance. A simplistic way to give importance to things

Doing the work

When asking participants what their expectations are for the time spent together in a training,

Soliciting Feedback

For many leaders, it is a regular habit to solicit feedback. However, when they start

The benefit of action

Perfection is the enemy of any action. However, perfection usually is only the label used

Being right or being a team?

When teams start to fall apart, it shows in individual behavior. When individual behavior starts

This is so important

And yet, as John Maxwell once said: “you cannot overestimate the unimportance of practically everything.”

A simple misunderstanding

Expectations can easily become a challenge, that is when they involve something we don’t have

The why behind the what

When someone tells others what to do, we may find it directive, unasked advice, or

Attached to the outcome

A possibility to deal with goals is to experience them as something one has to

Bringing happiness to work

Jenn Lim is the CEO of Delivering Happiness a consulting company that is seeking to