The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: relationship

Good and bad

It’s an interesting challenge. Meditation teaches us to take emotions and thoughts as they pass

Awareness and thinking

Thinking and awareness are different “things.” What thinking allows us to do is create or

Trees and forests

Personal development is often seen as an endeavor to transform oneself towards a better version

An image in the mind

Alongside Transactional Analysis, Eric Berne also developed a theory of groups based on their structure

When groups change

In any situation, a team finds itself, its mix of different individuals will always make

Preparing for failure

Recently I had a conversation in which I was confronted by someone who was all

Decision-making and power

When psychology became a subject of interest it was to understand what wasn’t understood about

Caring or worrying

A leader focusing on worrying is mostly busy with seeing risks and problems. His anxiety

Three layers to a moment

Cory Muscara shared three layers to a moment: experience, awareness of the experience, and the

Mishaps and successes

When something bad happens it is natural for us to worry about consequences, ask ourselves