The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: learning

Teaching and learning

The ways we learn and teach something are often screwed. Sure, there is learning happening

Feeling like a fraud

There are times in which we notice, that we don’t correspond to our own expectations.

For a yes or a no

Preferences is a natural way to determine differences between people. The filter we’ll use to

Learn from the other

People are different. There is no news in the fact that differences go way beyond

Tools lack intention

A few days ago a friend asked me if I could explain the purpose of

Things we don’t forget

Remembering things requires an effort. Without much effort, we have a tendency to forget a

Strategy, Goals, and more

Describing the “What, Why, Who and How” of a plan allows to give oneself a


Everything is planned. Your schedule is packed. You know what you’ll achieve tomorrow. Tomorrow arrives.