Breaking patterns
Jane and I had been talking about her leadership. She had been focused on achieving
Jane and I had been talking about her leadership. She had been focused on achieving
This idea of having to be “agile and adaptable to what works” reappeared in a
As a member of quite a few groups, I’m regularly wondering about the task the
A very simple question a leader has to ask is “did it work?” Whatever the
Something I often observe is how many difficulties people experience with setting their goals. However,
What makes a hero’s journey so powerful is that it is made of life stories
This weekend I practiced a bit. My idea was to get a better view of
When learning a new skill, people usually are aware of a learning curve. Something a
In a general fashion, people find it easy to be devoted to becoming better. There
Leaders make decisions. And they do it based on the information available to them at
A lot of literature about leadership is focused on the ways previous leaders achieved their
Quite frequently people hope for feedback when asking others how they performed. People learned to