The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: learning

Great shot

When observing a group of golfers, you’ll frequently hear them celebrate a shot another player

All under control

The idea that some things are within our control whereas others will be outside of

Connecting with intuition

When confronted with hard decisions, it can be easy to try to avoid making that

Thinking and acting

Frederick W. Taylor worked hard to understand the processes he was seeking to make more

Knowing how

There are an astonishing number of things people learn through observation. When entering a new

A sense of being attached

People’s relationship with results usually is a form of attachment. For some, reaching the result


It is much easier to be judgmental than to seek to understand. To then expect

Showing up

Is the ability to find the energy to show up and do so in a

It’s ok

Quite often, people seek to build trust by trying to reassure their audience. They’ll step

Looking good

It may seem to be the same thing, but it isn’t. Delivering something that one

A desire for consistency

A participant was trying to be supportive of the person presenting. However, he wanted to

Data missing

It is quite natural for people to compare themselves with others. The way they choose